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Bequest to Trees for All

Want to bequeath to a charity? By including Trees for All in your will, you can bequeath a green and healthy planet to future generations.

We plant trees for life

Our planet needs more forests in order to combat climate change and restore biodiversity. Trees are invaluable for all life on earth. That’s why Trees for All works every day on creating a healthy, green planet. Because we believe that we can still turn the tide if we all take responsibility.

Thanks to the commitment of people like you, we’re able to support many projects each year – both close to home and further afield. It’s always a wonderful experience to join our donors in planting young trees that grow into a beautiful forest. And to realise that the forest will live on, even if we’re no longer around to see it.

Maybe you’re thinking of including a charity in your will and – like us – you dream of a world filled with forests where people, animals and nature live together in harmony. Therefore, we would like to introduce you to our legacy program.

Contact us

What can you bequeath?

You can include Trees for All in your will in various ways:

  • Testamentary disposition If you name Trees for All as a beneficiary (or co-beneficiary), we receive a percentage of your inheritance. This is known as a testamentary disposition. You decide yourself who gets what percentage.
  • Legacy If you don’t want to name Trees for All as a beneficiary, but would like to include us in your will, you can bequeath a legacy to Trees for All. This means that you leave a set amount of money or a specific part of your estate (e.g. a house, a plot of land or a share portfolio) to Trees for All.

I dream of a healthy planet for our grandchildren. We need to safeguard the earth for the next generations. And what better way to do so than plant trees for their future?”

– Mrs de Bruin

No inheritance tax

Trees for All is a Public Benefit Organisation (ANBI), which means we don’t have to pay inheritance tax on the amount you bequeath to us. We are also a Registered Charity and we meet the strict quality requirements of the Netherlands Fundraising Regulator (CBF). You can therefore rest assured that each Euro is spent carefully and accounted for.

ANBI-logo CBF-logo

Personal contact

Making a will is not something you do every day. Our relations manager for legacies, Aletta Janssen, would be happy to help you.

“Lots of people put off making a will. But I notice in my talks with donors that arranging things can bring peace of mind. If you’d like to exchange ideas with me about the options, I’d be only to happy to discuss the impact of your legacy. You’re welcome to visit our office in Utrecht, or we can also talk by video or on the phone. And of course everything you tell me is completely confidential”.

You can contact Aletta Janssen by e-mail: or telephone: 030-2040744 (office) and 06-45285591 (mobile).

Would you like to include Trees for All in your will?

The notary can use the following details:

Statutory name: the Trees for All Foundation or its legal successor
Registered office: Aalsmeer
Visiting address: Voetiusstraat 2, 3512 JM Utrecht
Mailing address: Voetiusstraat 2, 3512 JM Utrecht
Chamber of Commerce: 34124154
Account number with regard to inheritances: IBAN NL30TRIO0212484109

Donate with tax benefits

Would you like to contribute to a world with more forests on a structural basis during your lifetime already and experience tax benefits? Become a regular donor and help to restore and protect forests worldwide.

More about regular donations