Complaints procedure
If you have a complaint, we are genuinely concerned by it and aim to deal with it as quickly and as well as possible. You can read about the procedure below.
If you have a complaint, we are genuinely concerned by it and aim to deal with it as quickly and as well as possible. You can read about the procedure below.
Trees for All is able to carry out its work thanks to our donors, suppliers, partners and other associates. We believe it is important to maintain good contact with them and ensure their satisfaction. We make every effort to carry out our work in an honest, transparent and effective way. But there is always room for improvement.
If your contact with Trees for All has not lived up to your expectations or if you have a complaint about how we have handled matters, just let us know. Complaints and suggestions for improvement are taken to heart and dealt with seriously.
We define a complaint as an expression of dissatisfaction with Trees for All regarding our services or the way we communicate, whereby a response or solution is expected. A complaint may not be made anonymously. A complaint must be made in Dutch or English and must be legible.
You can submit a complaint in writing:
By mail:
By post: Trees for All, Voetiusstraat 2, 3512 JM Utrecht.
Describe the complaint as clearly as possible and indicate, if possible, the solution or action that would satisfy you. We want to resolve every complaint as quickly as possible and to your satisfaction.
We want to resolve every complaint as quickly as possible and to your satisfaction. The period within which we deal with the complaint and respond to it is within one month of its receipt. If it is not possible to respond within this time, we will notify you of this and make further arrangements.
Any complaints received by Trees for All are dealt with in confidentiality. They are recorded in a way that safeguards privacy. Trees for All records all complaints and reports on them in its annual report.