Project update: 38 new football pitches of mangrove forest in Mexico
11 December 2024
11 December 2024
Trees for All has been working to restore mangrove forest in Los Tuxtlas (Mexico) since 2022. Thanks to your support as a donor, we have been able to replant 26 hectares of land here in recent years. That’s about 38 football fields of new mangrove forest! We recently visited the project area to see the progress of the young forest. Time for an update!
In Los Tuxtlas, parts of the beautiful mangrove forest were lost to a forest fire. In places where trees used to grow, only invasive plants now proliferate, hindering the mangrove’s natural recovery. This is why we are supporting a project in Los Tuxtlas by our partner SENDAS A.C. to restore the mangrove step by step.
Local communities have united in a special ‘brigade’. Members are responsible for tree seed collection, mangrove planting and maintenance of planting locations. The brigade also digs water channels that are connected to the sea. Essential for a healthy balance between the supply and discharge of sweet and salt water and for the development of a healthy mangrove forest!
Since 2022, we have already been able to plant 200,000 mangrove trees with the support of donors like you. Another 60,000 trees will be added in 2024 .During our project visit, we already saw the positive effects of the planting and the project in general!
Overall, the new mangrove trees are growing very well. This is mainly due to the good care of the local brigade. Although mangrove trees grow fast, invasive plants in the area are even faster. Therefore, the brigade manually removes these plants among the young trees. This way, the mangrove can develop undisturbed. During the first two years after planting, this remains an important activity. After that, the mangrove trees are strong enough not to be overgrown.
In the coming years, the young mangrove trees will continue to grow in height. What that can look like, we also saw during the project visit. While visiting the planted trees of the past three years, we passed locations where SENDAS already started mangrove restoration 12 years ago. And succesfully: The crown canopy of the oldest trees here is already closed: promising for the growth of ‘our’ trees in the coming years!
Another positive result is that natural regeneration in the project area is starting up thanks to the construction of the water channels. It works like this: at the mangrove, tree seeds grow on the trees themselves. When they ripen, they fall into the water and float through the area, after which they germinate and grow into new trees. Through the water channels, new seeds also reached our project area. We saw that by the relatively high plant density in some places!
In addition, the water channels have another benefit. They ensure the return of native animals to the area, such as endangered turtles and fishes. SENDAS also spotted a manatee with young further down the project area.
Despite the hard work, we saw hugely motivated staff at the planting locations who are working diligently to restore the mangrove. This makes this project a good example of a community-based initiative supported by the local people themselves. SENDAS also has good relations with Mexican universities, which help monitor the trees, biodiversity and water quality in the mangrove. There is also a lot of focus on education for children, because the motivation to protect and conserve mangrove forests starts with raising awareness about its importance.
Finally, we saw that this mangrove restoration project is strongly linked to the second project of SENDAS we support in Los Tuxtlas. Here, we help local farmers plant trees to make their land more sustainable and plant trees around water sources for better water management.
By working from this integrated approach, we strengthen the landscape in Los Tuxtlas as a whole, where everything is connected. This is already having positive effects on plants, animals and the ecosystem. For example, the cooperation with farmers helps prevent (water) pollution. The trees cause less erosion and less turbid water. And if farmers no longer use pesticides, this no longer ends up in the soil and groundwater, further improving the mangrove’s water quality.
This project is a great example of a forest restoration project that has been successful for us: local people see its value, are fully committed and we provide additional substantive and financial support. This would not have been possible without your support as a donor. Thank you!
In the coming years, we will continue to monitor the results with SENDAS. We will also complete planting on the last 6 hectares of land in 2024. And after that? Then we hope to restore the last 25 hectares of mangrove at Los Tuxtlas!
Thanks to your contribution, we can restore forests around the world, like the mangrove in Mexico. Plant a tree too and let the forests grow worldwide!
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