Make a regular donation to Trees for All
Would you like to contribute to a world with more forests on a structural basis and experience tax benefits? Become a regular donor and help to restore and protect forests worldwide.
Would you like to contribute to a world with more forests on a structural basis and experience tax benefits? Become a regular donor and help to restore and protect forests worldwide.
A regular gift or donation is an annual, fixed amount that goes to a charity. If you fix this amount for at least five years, you can deduct it from your taxes in full. In order to be eligible for tax benefits, you need to meet three requirements:
The regular gift is documented in writing in a donation agreement
Your donation is set up for 5 years (or longer)
Your donation is the same amount every year. It is best to opt for an annual donation.
Step 1. Make a regular donation (monthly or annually) on this page.
Step 2. Let your partner digitally sign the agreement (if applicable)
Step 3. We will then return a signed version to you. Done!
If you opt for a monthly donation, then check yourself that you transfer the same amount to us every year for five years. If, for example, your agreement starts later in a year or ends earlier in a year, you may need to make an additional donation in the year of signing and/or in the last year of the agreement.
If you’re thinking of setting up a regular donation of more than €1.000 Euros a month, our relationship manager Aletta Janssen would be happy to discuss your ideas.
You can e-mail Aletta via or call her on: +31 (0)30-2040744.
Trees are essential for all life on earth. They provide us with oxygen, clean air, food, protection, water and the opportunity to cool off. Forests are important for biodiversity and offer a habitat for countless of flora and fauna. And that’s not all, forests also have an important role to play when it comes to countering climate change. That’s why it’s important that we protect and restore existing forests and plant more forests together.
You, too, can make a difference. Through a regular donation to Trees for All, you contribute smartly to a world with more forests. We’re very happy about that and you get your donation back (in part) from the tax authorities!
If you’d prefer to make a one-off donation to Trees for All, you can donate directly.
For 25 years, Trees for All has been devoted to creating more forests in the world. Our mission is to plant new forests worldwide and to restore existing forests. We plant trees in the Netherlands and abroad and raise people’s awareness of the importance of trees. In doing so, we aim for a broad impact. Not only do our sustainable forestry projects contribute to a better climate, but they also ensure more biodiversity and healthier living conditions. In this way, along with our donors and partners, we invest in a green and healthy planet for everyone.
There are various ways you can support us. You can plant trees, you can offset carbon emissions or you can support us through a general donation. You can choose whether to do so as a regular contribution or a one-off gesture. Whatever the case, you’ll help us achieve our mission: a green and healthy world for everyone.
Trees for All has ANBI status, which means we’ve been designated a Public Benefit Organisation by the Dutch tax authorities. This gives tax advantages for private or corporate donors.
A private donation may be tax-deductible within the applicable regulations. For these gifts, there’s a ‘threshold’. In one year, you must have donated a certain amount – depending on your income – before you’re eligible for tax deduction. And a maximum amount also applies to this deduction. How much deduction applies to you?
For a one-man business, limited partnership or general partnership, the regulations for private gifts are applicable. If you have a private limited company, the gifts can be deducted from the corporation tax, providing the deductible gifts total no more than 50% of profits, with a maximum of €100,000.
If you’d like to know more about donating to Trees for All with a tax advantage, please contact your accountant and/or the Dutch tax authorities. You can also calculate whether it’s more advantageous to make a corporate or a private donation here.
You certainly can and that would help us enormously! On our website, you can choose whether to donate on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis. You can also opt to give a periodic gift on the basis of an agreement, whereby the same amount is given for at least 5 years, which is set out in the agreement. If these conditions are met, then the whole amount of the gift is tax-deductible.
You can do so by informing us through the online contact form or by post, stating your full name, town/city and the authorisation reference if known. Many thanks for your generous support!
The CBF monitors recognised charities. In the Netherlands, there are over 40,000 foundations registered as Public Benefit Organisations (ANBIs), but only a few hundred of them have a CBF certificate – one of which is Trees for All. The CBF checks that charities meet strict quality requirements, thus guaranteeing that your donation contributes to a better world.
At the end of each year, we inform you about the locations where your trees have been planted or will be planted. This way you know exactly how your donation is spent and you can communicate about this. We also publish an annual report once a year. In it, you will find an account of our expenses and examples of projects to which donations have benefited.
Are you considering including Trees for All in your will? After your passing, you’ll be able to contribute to a green and healthy world. We’d be more than happy to discuss your ideas together..
Read more about bequests to Trees for All